Monday, November 10, 2014

our first night

Your Story, Your Family

You were born at 12:15pm on Saturday, January 4th, 2014, at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee. You were born weighing 5lbs 9oz, the most beautiful little boy ever. Just hours after your birth, you were transferred to East Tennessee Children's Hospital where you spent 17 nights in the NICU with doctors and nurses who took special care of you. On January 21st at 12:41pm I received the call - the moment I had been praying and waiting for finally arrived. You needed me, and I was ready to meet you immediately. Although I was told I needed to wait just a bit longer, a social worker from the hospital soon called me and let me know when I could join you in the NICU. A couple hours later that call came and I was instructed to be at the hospital at 5pm. I left work immediately and went to buy you a few outfits and a blanket, along with an overnight bag for myself so I could stay that night with you in the hospital.

The moment I walked into your room will forever be sketched in my mind. Seeing you for the first time was priceless. This sweet baby boy, wrapped so snug and sucking on a pacifier nearly larger than his little face. No time for sweet cuddles just yet, the nurse got right down to business to go over your diagnosis and health. She spent about 45 minutes teaching me how to care for you and what to expect in the next several days. She left me to watch a car seat video, which was useless because all I could do was stare at you. Finally you woke and I fed you, changed you and had to be reminded to burp you (it had been a while since I'd had a newborn in my arms). I wrapped you tight once again and laid you back down so you could sleep. Perfect timing to steal a few pictures of my new sweet gift from Heaven.

Time had flown by and it was 8:15pm, I had not eaten since morning so I ran out to get dinner, got back and ate in the room with you. I was beyond excited to be there with you and was soaking up every second of your sweet noises, beautiful face and tiny little body. That night I didn't sleep well at all. Every sound you made brought me to my feet immediately in case you needed me. Many times it was a false alarm as you are just a noisy little guy. You woke a few times that night to eat but you fell fast asleep shortly after.

This was the first night we spent together, very peaceful and full of love. A night I will never forget. 


  1. your sent from god just for him he is gonna love an cherish you....your a great mother an I know I thank god for ou and I wouldnt in a million years for him to call anyone mom but you

    1. Awwwwe.. Thank you, Sharon. He is the apple of my eye, I also thank God each night for allowing me the chance to call him son. None of this would be possible without you giving him life. Forever I am thankful for you and love you!
