Saturday, December 31, 2016

That's a Wrap for 2016!

As we come to a close for 2016, I can't help but to reflect on my year. It has been a great year for me and my family. I see so many friends posting that they are so glad to see 2016 end, and I am sitting here wondering how our new year could be any better.

Let's start with Chad getting a wonderful new job that affords for me to stay home with Joshua. I do still work with Med Maps, but is very limited and only from home. This has been an answered prayer and huge blessing. Chad's work schedule is fabulous, he is off 3 days per week. This allows so much family time; and golf. Although, we do not anticipate that schedule to last, we have certainly enjoyed having him home so much.

We spent 1,000's of miles to see the best doctors in the country to get a million questions answered for Tharrin's health. He is stable and healthier than he has been in a long time. He turned 16, he is driving and working. Tharrin has enjoyed playing basketball and is well enough to do so. He is a remarkable young man and we are so blessed to call him son. He even had a girl over to the house recently, they are just talking! Don't tell him I'm writing about that! hahahaha!!!

Joshua's health gave us a few scares, his liver is damaged and he underwent a liver biopsy.  He continues to attend OT and Feeding therapy each week, and is improving. He is potty trained (hip hip hooray), he communicates exceptionally well, and he was approved for homebound through the school system. He tested above average for his age, which is a huge accomplishment considering all he has been through. Joshua can work a cellphone like a true professional, he may know more about it than we do. He enjoyed trick or treating this year at Grammy and Poppie's, he pretended to be a ghost the entire Halloween season, he unwrapped everyone's Christmas presents, he tells us "sweet dreams" at bedtime and says "I wuv you". He still loves to cuddle before bed!

Tavis is alive, that is a celebration in itself. He gave us a few heart attacks with his wild side, but hopefully he is calming his jets a bit. I can't even believe he is 22 years old, I don't think he believes it either. He really isn't trying to adult just yet. He is working with his dad, and in decision mode as to what is next for him.

Austin is a senior in high school, wow I can't believe it. Austin is so chill!

We got a new puppy this year, which is a real miracle. We purchased a new vehicle as well.

Seems each year is getting better and better, we are so blessed in so many ways. God has been so good to us, He continues to guide our path and protect our steps.

Each year I try to set goals for the next year, after much thought I know exactly what this coming year will consist of.
1. Attend church more regularly (this has been hard for us since Joshua can't be exposed to public)
2. Spend less time on social media and on my phone
3. Volunteer to teach a bible study for a women's sober living house
4. Spend more time in the Word of God
5. Maintain healthy eating, exercise, and weight (no yo yo dieting)

Hope each and everyone of my friends and family enjoy the new year. God Bless!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 2016

Whooo hoooo is all I can say about Christmas this year. Blessings are overflowing for our family. Chad, Joshua, Tharrin, Tavis, and Austin were all healthy and happy. That was all I wanted for Christmas.

This year we went to Trina's for Christmas eve, her house was beautifully decorated. So much food, more than anyone could ever eat. Presents, presents, and more presents, literally Mary out does herself each and every year. My mother in law is an absolutely gem to the family, she has the best style and taste. We just adore her!

Mack always blesses our food and recognizes the reason for the season, Jesus. What a wonderful man of God he is.

Then my beautiful nieces, they are all so different, but all so wonderful and enjoyable. Joshua can't get enough of the twins.

My bigs try to hid away and watch football. They never get in the middle of the action, I guess that is just how teen boys behave. I remember being their age and being much like that, too cool for the adults. Hahahaha!

The highlight for me was watching Joshua in his new motorized truck, he was so very excited and happy. His little face lit up like a Christmas tree and the joy we all felt watching him was priceless. Also, my favorite thing was just being in the presence of family. They are absolutely a delight to be around.

Christmas 2016 was good to me and mine!

Monday, December 19, 2016

my life is NOT mine!

My life is not mine, that is a profound realization.

For many years I lived for me and the moment without a care in the world. For some this is exactly how they also live, for some this is a goal, and for those like me, this a regret. Living for me was exciting at times, painful, as well as selfish. A heart change was on the way without warning. That time came when I wanted to really know God, when understanding His existence wasn't enough, rather living for Him. It was a slow process, as I had so many bad habits and hurts to release. It wasn't a task I could undertake overnight or in a month, for that matter. But I was ready!

First, I wanted to learn all about Jesus and how was it even possible to live like Christ. Learning the details of Jesus Christ was so fulfilling and peaceful, you should give it a try too. He was a wonderful human. Some of his characteristics for me were obtainable, others not gonna happen in this lifetime. Jesus was/is:

Jesus is so much more than I could ever be, He is a healer and He is perfect.

I had a road map to living life for others. Some will say, why would you want to live for others. I didn't truly understand it either, until I tried it. Giving and loving on someone who needs it is a huge blessing and blesses me more than I could ever bless them. Understanding humility, obedience, forgiving, and faithfulness was only achieved through Christ and is still a learning experience today. Knowing God and knowing of God is not the same, the experience is completely different. Satan knows God, only living for God will allow you to experience God and what God has for you.

This life is NOT mine, it is His!